steps to record screen in iPhone iOS11

If you have updated your Apple device to iOS 11 than you are ready to use all new cool feature of iOS 11 to record your iphone screen. You can also add these features from setting to phones control centre. This feature will help you to access the magic of recording your screen.

To access the screen recording feature in your iphone

Ø  Open the setting app
Ø  Choose control centre
Ø  Select customize controls -> tap on add(+) button

Once you have done it your new icon (two enclosed circles) is ready in control centre. Now to start recording in iphone by clicking on this icon. Your iphone will start recording after a countdown of three seconds.

How to check if screen recoding is going on in iphone: Once the recording starts you would see a red bar at the top of screen.

To Stop the screen recording : Again click on icon from control centre. You can also tap on the red bar of the screen and confirm to stop the recording.

The video made will save to the photo app.
