Change color of iMessage text bubble in iOS 14 / iOS 12

Many of iPhone/ iPad and mac user are finding way to change imessage color or  change color of text bubble on iphone. There are few ways to do that by different methods. iMessage is a very popular app among iPhone user and used by most of the iPhone users.
Apple have designed this app in a way most easily customizable app. Despite that, there does not seems be a direct way to change the text bubble color or to customize the colors of the message bubbles in iMessage.

ios 12: change text bubble color

Generally there are three colors the iOS messages app provides each for different source of messages they handle. : the Blue is between iOS device/users(ie iMessage); Green between other SMS/MMS user and iOS device user . Gray has happened in between both iOS iphone users, non-Apple and Apple cell phone users. Therefor you can’t change text bubble color in iPhone for iMessage from iMessage settings. There are way to do so by jailbreaking but we don’t recommend that as it can risk your device

However in iOS 11 and iOS 12 with a tweak you can change iphone text color without jailbreaking. These option were not there in iOS 10 but iOS 11 afterwords you can do these tricks and change text bubble color in your iPhone message app.

How to Change Text Message/iMessage Background on iPhone without Jailbreaking.

Fix 1: Use Dark Mode of iPhone

ios 12: change text bubble color from invert color

You can change text bubble color in iPhone by doing a tweak and using Dark Mode in your iPhone. To do so please follow the steps:
1.       Open Settings->General->accessibility
2.      Next tap on Display accommodation
3.      Now tap on Inver color option
4.      Now you will have two options. Smart Invert and classic Invert.
5.      Chose the one suits you and color of text bubble will change accordingly.

ios 12: change text bubble color-invert option

Fix 2: Third party app install

iMessage: change text bubble color, image:imagecolors

You could change your bubble colors and background in imessage instead of have to down load third party apps from appstore and after that and have to copy and paste as well.
1.       Open Appstore
2.      Search for  “color text messages” and click “Search”.
3.      You will get lots of app develop to change text color in iPhone.
4.      Select any one and install eg “messagecolors”  .
5.      Now open the app and you will see different option to create a text bubble with different color.


techrul said…
Thank you. It worked