User have
complaint about an issue with iPhone 6 5
and iOS 9.2 onward that after upgrading to IOS9, the activation pop up
keep appearing every now and then. Even in iphone 7 saying your carrier may
charge for sms messages used to activate imessage and it becomes very
interesting question to how to disable carrier messages iphone. To disable
carrier notification you may try below listed options. Since updating to IOS
9.1 my Iphone 4S frequently displays a popup warning from face time and imessage
"Your carrier may charge for SMS messages used to activate iMessage".
Some users say that they never used this feature of iMessage or Facetime and
have no intension. These features are deactivated
but keep getting this warnings “imessage pop up on iphone”. Below possible solution
will explain how can I turn them off imessage pop up or stop imessage from
popping up on iphone.
Solution 1: Logout from
iMessage and Facetime
You should be
able to stop annoying imessage popup by going to Settings/Messages and
Settings/Facetime and signing out. Go to settings/FaceTime. If it is off turn
it on. Tap your Apple ID and tap Sign Out.
To unlink your
phone number from your Apple ID
Goto -> Settings -> Messages -> Send
& Receive. Tap your Apple ID, and then tap Sign Out. The iMessage will
automatically turn-off and will stop the annoying pop-up. Please note it is not
intended to logout from iCloud, all we are saying is to logout your Apple ID
from iMessage.
Solution 2: iCloud Settings
Some users are
able to fix the iMessage pop issue by changinn some details in iCloud as
1. First Go to Settings in
2. Click on account name->You
will see "Contact information", "Password & Security",
"Devices", "Payment".
3. Now select Contact
4. Add your phone number.
Verify it. Its status will change to "Verified".
That's it. Your iMessage
popup problem should be fixed.
Solution 3: iCloud Settings
In case you
are using an carrier provider which is not supported by the Apple you may see
this issue as imessage would not be able to configure itself. So switch to a
carrier that is an Apple partner. It's only non-supported carriers that charge
for the activation messages. The message should not reported to appear on the
account with a supported network carrier.