After installing the ios 11 update
users are facing many troubles with existing working features of iOS10.One
issue found is with lost calendar entries after upgrade to iOS 11. It was very
surprising that the user found that all entries in calendar were deleted. To
check and fix the issue make sure you try below listed options:
Fix 1:
Go to settings, calendars, calendar sync and pressed All Events.
contacts, calendar> sync (under calendar tab)> All Events
hope this helps.
Fix 2: IF you find that your calendar events are all deleted.
Go to your Calendar application and
1) Open application
2) touch the Calendar button on the upper left
3) At the top you will see that it says either:
You want it to say " Show All Calendars"
So all your events will show up
when you look at your calendar on your phone
Fix 3: Restore from to last backup in which you are sure
that contains all calendar entry.