iPhone photo/video import issue “no new pictures or videos were found on this device” : iOS 11

iPhone users are facing issue with importing photos to PC/mac that when they have many photos stored in their iPhone. While importing the photo the users are getting error “no new pictures or videos were found on this device”. The same issue is found while transferring video to PC.

Even the issue is faced with latest iOS 11 , Upgraded to iOS 11.2.2. Suddenly importing photos to Win 7 PC doesn't work anymore, even though it's worked for years. "No new pictures or videos were found on this device". To fix the iPhone import issue please try below fix:
Fix 1: Make sure phones is unlocked
Before doing anything, simply try unlocking your Iphone before plugging it into your computer.

Fix 2: iCloud setting
Make sure you have iCloud app installed on to your windows PC
Set up a folder where you want to download all your icloud pictures.
Once you see all the pictures in your iCloud folder (that you selected) do the following steps on your phone: Go to Settings->Photos->iCloud Photo Library --> Turn if off

It will give you an option to download all icloud photos on to your phone, I didn't opt for it since I didn't have enough space and all my pictures anyways were in iCloud folder that I had chosen after downloading iCloud app.
Once you turn it off, connect your phone again to Windows PC
This time the PC will be able to scan all the picturs and videos and you will be able to use import wizard. (it might give error for couple of files -'it gave to me', i ignored the files with errors and was able to download all the files successfully and clear up my phone space.

Fix 3: User file explorer in PC
Connect iPhone via USB. After a few seconds, the dreaded "No new pictures . . ." message comes up. Close this message.
Open File Explorer-> You'll see your iPhone listed-> click on your iPhone name -> When the iPhone sub-folder    Internal Storage   shows up ->  Right click and choose the option "Import pictures and videos". now see all the sub-folders on the iPhone that contain your pictures & videos and begins searching through these sub-folders to find any new pictures or videos.
