How to remove widget Smith Name iOS 14

    Remove or Hide Widget Smith  Name from Home screen : iPhone

 As you know that in iOS 14 you can add custom or third party widgets to your home screen. WidgetSmith is a great application which is now trending among iPhone users to add different types of widgets to home screen. Widget Smith offers a lot of widgets like Weather, calendar, custome Photo widget in three different sizes. Which is really cool as it let you create and manage multiple widget from same point.

How to remove or hideWidget Smith Name

But after adding the widget on home screen many iPhone users are finding it annoying to see widget added and named as “Widget Smith”. All the widget of whatever size or type keeps on showing the same name Widget Smith which is quite irrelevant to users. Same is with color wiget which also show Color Widget name below its widgets on home screen. So many iPhone users want to remove or hide Widget Smith Name from home screen in iOS 14.


How to remove or hide Wdiget Smith Name in iOS 14: iPhone 11,XR,XS,8, 7 Plus

Unfortunately you cannot change, remove or hide Widget Smith name from home screen of iPhone in iOS 14. As an iPhone user you will not be able to change widget smith Name, or hid/remove it.

To add feature to remove or change widget name in iOS 14 either App developer will have to make change or Apple will have to add new feature to edit or remove widget Name. But this all can happen in future release of iOS 14 or the Widget Smith App.

You can submit feedback to Apple about this issue and hopefully Apple will address this in its future releases as why a widget wants a name it shows what it does widget without names look so much cleaner.
