Best way to Disable iTunes "After this plays do you want to keep playing or clear the music you previously queued"


Many iPhone/ Mac users who are using iTunes for listening music are facing issue that users are getting annoying message on the iTunes which says “after this plays do you want to keep playing or clear the music you previously queued?" The pop up comes up randomly while listening songs and you will have option to keep clear or cancel the message. It happens all the time irrelevant of song adding, new songs addition in queue etc.


Apple should make a feature where an iTunes user has option to turn off the first time you see it. It is annoying to see such message while listening to music. Nobody wants a feature which is redundant and annoying.

Read : Best Ringtones songs


This iTunes “feature”  as it’s ironically referred to, is tedious an annoying. If someone actually likes this ability then give the rest of us the option to have a setting where we never have to see it. As it makes it really difficult listen songs and randomly pausing. User are looking for a permanent option to remove the iTunes pop up.



How to stop “After this plays do you want to keep playing or clear the music you previously queued”


Fix : Use Clear option


To get rid off iTunes "After this plays do you want to keep playing or clear the music you previously queued" message , there is a solution which seems to work for many users. After you click a song when it will ask you if you want to keep it or clear it. Click on clear option and it will be fixed.


Fix : Click on Loop option/Turn on Repeat Track


Other possible solution that seem to work for many user is to click on the playback option which is at the top right corner. Tap on the option while listening songs and this should stop the “After this plays do you want to keep playing or clear the music you previously queued” pop up on the iPhone.

Please refer to below picture.

If none of the above solution worked for you, then you should report the issue to Apple and hopefully they will do changes in this feature in upcoming releases.

